July 8, 2010

Meaning of Life

I've previously blogged about life with a purpose, but I never said what that purpose was. I say it now for all to hear {or read}; it is to GLORIFY GOD.
Everyone always says that the meaning of life is some huge mystery. No, it's not! We were created by God for God. Sure He created the angels too, but they don't have free will. That's what makes us His masterpiece. That's why we must choose Him. Think about it; If you created something, wouldn't you want it to love you out of free will? That's why He wants us so much. That's why we must glorify God, because we should want to (not have to) and that's why we were created. It's our purpose. It's our meaning.

If I'm wrong about God, what do I risk? Spending my life believing in little things like faith, hope, and true unconditional love? ... What do you risk if you're wrong? How about spending eternity without those things!