December 15, 2012

"Hope Will Lead Us On"

My favorite band, BarlowGirl, announced recently that they are retiring. Here is their farewell song. It's about being told by God that something new is in store for your life and leaving what you are currently doing (having a band) and trusting Him that a new door will open.

"Rise up again
Shake off the shadows
Unlock the doors
And let hope live once more
Because up from the ashes
A fire is woken
Because those who are broken,
Are becoming the chosen

So lift up your eyes
Because we're not forgotten
And hope will lead us on

Our hearts come alive
With every moment
Become the flame
That shows us the way
So sing out your freedom
Sing it out loud
Because though we are broken
We're becoming the chosen

So lift up your eyes
Because we're not forgotten
And hope will lead us on

Oh we pray for the dawn
And we reach for the morning
And hope will lead us on

Oh the day will come
As we press on
When the battle's won

So lift up your eyes
Because we're not forgotten
And hope will lead us on

Oh we pray for the dawn
And we reach for the morning
And hope will lead us on"
(Written and Recorded by BarlowGirl ~ ©Word Entertainment )

PS- Here's BarlowGirl's farewell note:

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