(Harry Potter movie quote, except for the "K" and "W")
Isaiah 1:17
"Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow."
It was once said that:
We should live our lives as if we were going to be put on trial for being a Christian. Would there be enough evidence to convict us?
I try to live that way, but I'm not perfect. Everyday is a struggle for different reasons. I may get frustrated over classes, get an attitude towards my parents, or any other number of things that are challenging for a Southern 22 year old Conservative Christian girl. To counter-act this, I have dared my-self to learn what is good. God has given me a strength to pass these "tests" but I must "learn at the foot of the Master" on how to use it.
My parents and I have recently been watching the t.v. show "Monk" a lot. The title character is an ex-cop who helps the detectives with tough cases. His O.C.D makes him notice the tiniest details that can make or break the case. I'm resolved to pay more attention like "Monk," even though it seems as if my attention is bankrupt some days. When it doesn't go the way I think it should, I shall pray. When it goes the way I do want it to, I shall pray. When my nerves are shot and I'm worried that something is about to go wrong, I shall pray. God is not my crutch. When I seek Him, I'm not runnig away from my problems, I'm running (with all haste) to the answers.
Dear God,
Please help me to understand that I'm not to live by the world's axioms. Your standards are what is worth living by. You are the definition of "good" and I hope that I can live my life by Your rules (like You show us in Isaiah 1:17). Please give me the strength to learn You.